(J)one at a time

Pun intended.

Hi, I’m Juan

Reflecting on a journey that has taken me across 12 countries and into a myriad of cultures, I’ve discovered that the quest for more – more depth, more understanding and more joy in life – often leads us back to ourselves.

With adventures ranging from the vibrancy of Silicon Valley’s innovation to the global stage of the Olympic Games, my path has been as varied as it has been enlightening. However, the most transformative discoveries have come from within, inspired by the wisdom of Viktor Frankl and the realization that authenticity and harmony with our inner selves is where true fulfilment lies.

As a certified co-active coach, my mission now is to guide those who are equally committed to the pursuit of personal excellence and consciousness. My focus is on working with individuals who are not just looking for change but are ready to embrace a journey towards living their most extraordinary lives. This includes growth-oriented individuals who see beyond the ordinary, striving for a level of achievement and self-awareness that sets them apart.

If you’re drawn to exploring the depths of your potential and crafting a life that resonates with your truest self, I welcome you to reach out. This invitation might not be for everyone; it’s for those who feel a deep resonance with living life one meaningful question at a time and are ready to engage deeply with their personal and professional growth.

Let’s connect and explore what extraordinary looks like for you.

1:1 Coaching

I work with individuals to support them on their path to live that resonates with their own authenticity. This means finding a calling and purpose, discover what it means to be authentic and unlock true potential. We are all capable of greatness, we just need to be prepared. If you feel your moment has come and want to work with me, I encourage to first subscribe to the 14 days of consciousness. If this resonates with you and want more reach out and let’s explore if working 1:1 might be a good fit. 

You can reach out to me via my social networks above or the contact form on this page .

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there’